
Student Library Grand Opening!

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Yeshiva Ketana of Los Angeles proudly celebrated the Grand Opening of its new Student Library last week! The elementary school was filled with excitement as each class had the opportunity to explore the library, browse the collection, and select a book to enjoy—whether reading independently or listening to a story. This eagerly anticipated addition marks […]

Middle School Girls Shabbaton

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  The middle school girls had an amazing Shabbaton this past week at the Dovid Oved Retreat Center in Running Springs. The theme of the Shabbos was “Shabbos, The Heartbeat of the Week.” The girls had inspiring and fun events throughout Shabbos that connected to the theme. From Friday afternoon with fun “prepare for Shabbos” […]

Kosher Chopped Featuring Naomi Nachman

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The energy in the room was palpable as over 60 Yeshiva Ketana mothers, grandmothers and friends came together for the first ever Yeshiva Ketana of Los Angeles Kosher Chopped competition. Hosted by world-renowned chef and cookbook author Naomi Nachman, five teams came together for a fun and “healthy competition”, as a sold-out audience looked on. […]

Chanukah Visit to Atria Tarzana

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On Monday, December 19th, the first grade girls visited with the residents of Atria Tarzana.  What a treat it was for the residents, students and our teachers to experience our first in-person Nursing Home visit since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The girls prepared lively Chanukah songs that they enthusiastically performed for the residents.  […]

Chanukah Ice Skating Trip

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On Wednesday, December 21st, the Elementary and Middle School divisions took a very cool trip to Los Angeles Kings Valley Ice Center in Van Nuys. The girls loaded the buses right after davening and headed straight for the ice rink. Equipped with lots of warm layers they got off the bus and lined right up […]

Yeshiva Ketana Charidy Campaign Says “Good-bye” to Budget Blackhole

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This past November, the Yeshiva celebrated the completion of a successful $600,000+ crowd funding campaign that said good-bye to the budget blackhole and gave donors control over where and how their funds are spent. Prospective donors were given the choice of supporting one of three integral budgetary needs; Student Scholarships, Facilities Improvements and Expansion, or […]

5B Haschalas Gemara Breakfast

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What an inspiring and uplifting Haschalas Gemara breakfast we had! On Sunday, October 2nd, the 5th grade celebrated their introduction to Gemara with a beautiful and festive breakfast. The students’ fathers and some grandfathers had the opportunity to be the first to learn Gemara with their children. We had the zechus to hear Divrei Torah […]

Welcome Back Bowling Event

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On Monday, August 29th, the Yeshiva hosted a welcome back bowling event for our Elementary and Middle School students. The afternoon started with a girls’ bowling event, where mother’s were invited to spend time with their daughters and other mothers from their daughter’s classes.  Shortly after the completion of the mother-daughter event, the Yeshiva welcomed […]

Ladies Paint Night

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On November 24th the PTA welcomed an excited group of over thirty-five Mothers for their first in-person event since the pandemic began. The room was decorated beautifully, and the parent volunteers set-up refreshments that included a tropical fruit platter, sushi and fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. Mrs. Shaindel Blaustein, an artist and Yeshiva Ketana Mother,  led […]

Elementary Girl’s Achdus Performance

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Throughout the year the Elementary girl’s have had the opportunity to explore in depth various middos through our monthly Rosh Chodesh assembles. Each month the girl’s were introduced to a different middah in the form of a color (e.g. grateful green) and throughout the month the girl’s had the opportunity to learn about and internalize […]