Middle School Girls Shabbaton

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The middle school girls had an amazing Shabbaton this past week at the Dovid Oved Retreat Center in Running Springs. The theme of the Shabbos was “Shabbos, The Heartbeat of the Week.” The girls had inspiring and fun events throughout Shabbos that connected to the theme. From Friday afternoon with fun “prepare for Shabbos” races, to an insightful and relatable panel discussion led by our Bais Yaakov of Los Angeles chaperones, to a late-night oneg and hysterical game of Freeze and Justify, the girls 

were kept very busy! 

Shabbos day continued with an incredible Shabbos themed round-robin workshop given by our staff and Moros. The overall feel of Shabbos was one of Achdus and the girls exemplary Middos shined throughout the entire Shabbaton. It was a Shabbos where the girls were not only able to bond with each other, but they were also uplifted and plugged into the significance and beauty of Shabbos Kodesh. 

The girls gave beautiful Divrei Torah at the Seudos that were elegantly set up and everyone participated in the heartfelt Zemiros and singing. Walking around the Shabbaton and seeing the girls with smiles on their faces, positive attitudes,  Achdus and amazing manners was so special to see! 

We escorted the Shabbos queen with Havdalah and immediately broke into a lively dance celebration followed by a delicious milchig Melava Malka. Although we could not believe how quickly the time went, after the Melava Malka it was time to load onto the buses and head back down the mountain. 

Thank you to all of the staff members and their families who joined us in Running Springs and helped make this Shabbaton possible. A special thank you to Mrs. Shaina Davidowitz and Mrs. Esther Malka Heller for planning and executing this memorable Shabbaton,  to the Moros and office staff for their participation and support, and especially to the girls themselves who made the Shabbaton such a beautiful experience for all! What an amazing two days we had with these incredible Talmidos.