The yeshiva was buzzing with excitement on Tuesday, March 19th as each division participated in unique and exciting pre-Purim festivities- in costume of course! The Preschool got ready for Purim with a vibrant Arts Festival. Each child had the opportunity to journey through Purim themed stations and take home one-of-a-kind artistic masterpieces. Elementary boys and girls divisions were each treated to a 5 in 1 bounce house combo, bright Purim themed photo booth and fresh popcorn. With thoughtful planning from Mrs. Esther Malka Heller and Mrs. Gitty Horowicz the girls classes were divided into groups mixed between older and younger grades as they went through 6 unique Purim stations. Morah Shaina Davidowitz and the 1G class had the added zchus of traveling to Eisenberg Village at the Jewish Home for the Aging, and visiting with the residents as part of Yeshiva Ketana’s ongoing partnership with the Steven Ohren Foundation. The girl’s told over the Purim story and entertained the residents proudly with their well-rehearsed Purim songs in English, Hebrew and Yiddish. Everyone had a beautiful day in advance of the Yom Tov of Purim.